Work ✦

Designed and implemented the HackXR landing site for Triton Extended Reality's 2025 Hackathon.

Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSAirbase APIFigma favicon

Made a fun little stamping app for CalHacks 2024.

Explore the world through the collection of virtual sticker and stamps, with the vast knowledge of the internet by your side.

React NativeExpoTypeScriptPythonTailwindCSSFirebaseFast APIGroqHyperbolicGoogle APIFigma

Developed a medication analyzer/detailer app to bring healthcare literacy, awareness, and informed decision making to patients for Ignition Hacks 2024.

Mobile application that leverages the power of LLMs and the OpenFDA API to deliver accurate, personalized health information at your fingertips, instantly clearing up any medical doubts.

React NativeExpoTypeScriptTailwindCSSFirebaseFDA APIFast APIOpenAI APIFigma

✦ Meetomate

A mobile application that helps people schedule in-person meetups through everyday activities to build real interactions. Developed the MVP during the term of my internship.

React NativeExpoTypeScriptTailwindCSSMongoDBFigma

Created a grocery scanner that doubles as a dietary coach, recommender, and nutrition summarizer based upon recent eating habits for Streamlit/Snowflake's Hackathon 2024.

Revolutionize grocery shopping with personalized lists and dietary advice, streamlining the shopping process and enhancing nutrition awareness.

SnowflakeSnowflake ArcticPythonFoodData Central APIFirebase

Wrote a web app for succinct and concise local/global news in the form of tldrs, in the reddit format for Hacktech 2024.

News media app designed to overcome the barriers of short-attention span in social media use through promotion of "social-media-like" news posts using LLM integrated summary and title generation.

React.jsJavaScriptPythonNode.jsFirebaseFast APIOpenAI APINews APIGemini APIFigma

Made an ML-based studying web app for any subject for my first hackathon, which won!

Web application for a guided Feynman Technique process using LLM API integration for feedback and question generation.

React.jsJavaScriptNode.jsOpenAI API

✦ Cal Poly Pomona Multiple UAVs for Search and Rescue

Spent a gap quarter working with the Cal Poly UAV team working on radio connection.


Disciplines of Engineering Career Fair is an annual event that connects top engineering students with leading recruiters through networking opportunities, recruiting sessions, and resume feedback.

React.jsJavaScriptNode.jsSass favicon

An annual event held in Fall and Winter quarter where students can network with the various engineering orgs on campus.

React.jsJavaScriptNode.jsSass favicon


